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Atomic Tetris V1.1
Graphics and Code
Jared Tarbell
Great, glad to see you have good taste....just kidding. Well, this
is it, Atomic Tetris Version 1.1. I got the idea for the game after
finishing two previous ones, Defrec and VGATetris. I found that I liked
the simple concept of Tetris and I also found that I liked the idea of
battling your friend, like in Defrec. I decided to try to combine
the two and Atomic Tetris is the result...
I started the game a few days before my birthday, May 1. After
occasionally working on it, I completed the bug-free (Yeah, right...)
finished product on April 19, 1991. I used Turbo Pascal V5.0 and an IBM
286 clone, oh yeah, and my excuse for a brain...he he he. Anyway, I hope
you enjoy it.
Basic Objectives
Atomic Tetris uses the same rules and principles as does the original
version of Tetris. You know...you drop pieces, try to complete lines, don't
let it pile up type of thing. I'm going to assume you already know how to
play Tetris...if you don't, you might want to get ahold of VGATetris. It's
a simple version of Tetris which will explain to you how to play.
Atomic Tetris has a twist however. It's a two player Tetris game were
each player tries to destroy the other. A person wins the game by surviving
longer than his/her opponent. That is, that your opponent piles up his/her
screen before you do. Simple mistakes on your opponent's part, or strategic
moves on your part can win you the game.
The Screen
_________________ ____________ _________________
( ) ( Title Box ) ( )
( Player 1 ) (____________) ( Player 2 )
( ) ____________ ( )
( Play Area ) ( Info Box ) ( Play Area )
( ) (____________) ( )
( ) ____________ ( )
( ) ( Line Box ) ( )
( ) (____________) ( )
(_________________) ____________ (_________________)
( Player 1 Next ) ( Timer Box ) ( Player 2 Next )
(_________________) (____________) (_________________)
Play Areas - The part of the screen in which you will pile and arrange
your blocks. They have the same dimensions as the normal
Tetris playing area...10x20 blocks.
Title Box - Just a little icon that says Atomic Tetris...in case you
Info Box - The Info Box displays information concerning the Specials
that appear on the screen occasionally. See "Specials"
for a more complete discription.
Line Box - Shows each player how many lines have been completed by
himself/herself. Player 1's lines are on the left, while
Player 2's lines are on the right. What a concept....
Timer Box - The Timer Box has two bar timers, one on the left and one
on the right. The timer bars indicate how much time is
left for certain Specials gotten by the player. Again,
see "Specials" for a description.
Next Boxes - The Next Boxes indicate to the player what type of block is
next to appear. The left box is for the player on the left
and the right box is for the player on the right. (Sorry, I
know these directions are insulting, but it just might
confuse some.)
Keyboard Commands
The keyboard commands are setup for the standard QWERTY keyboard.
Below are the commands for both players:
Player 1 Player 2
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
( R ) ( T ) ( Y ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 )
(___) (___) (___) (___) (___) (___)
Move Turn Move Move Turn Move
___ Left ___ Right _____ Left ___ Right
( 1 ) ( G ) ( | ) ( 2 )
(___) (___) (__\__) (___)
Quick Drop Quick Drop
Drop One Space Drop One Space
(On the Numeric Pad - NUMLOCK must be on)
At random times during the game, small white blocks with red and blue
letters will appear on the playing screens. These white blocks are called
Specials and help you defeat your opponent. To use the Specials, you must
delete the line that the Special is located in. For example, if the next
to last line of your screen contains a hole and a Special, when you fill that
hole and delete the line, the Special will be enacted. There are 13 different
specials...(Future version to have many more)...each doing their own unique
function. Only one special can be on the screen at a time and Specials will
vanish if not gotten in a certain amount of time. Below is a list of all
specials and what they do:
(C) Clear Screen - Getting this special will clear your playing area, giving
you a fresh start.
({) Switch Screens - This Special will switch your screen with your
opponent's. Be careful not to get this when your friend's
screen is worse than yours...
(R) Randomizer - The Randomizer will delete all blocks on your opponent's
side and will put several randomly located blocks in it's
place. This Special makes it very difficulty for your
([]) Brick Layer - The Brick Layer Special will slow your opponent down
greatly. Upon enacting, his/her screen will be cleared
and it's place will form a mountain of lines, each
missing just one block.
(X) Chaos - Getting the Special will confuse and frustrate your
opponent. It shuffles up his holes and blocks for a
short period of time, and slows him down tremendously.
(*) Idiot - The idiot, although simple, is very effective. Upon
getting it, your opponent's controls will be reversed.
Left is right, right is left...he he he. This confused
state will remain until your friend gets the Antedote
([]) Dotter - The Dotter is similar to the Idiot in that it stays
in effect until the player gets an Antedote Special.
It changes all blocks on his/her screen to small dots,
making it hard to preceive where holes and blocks
actually are.
(A) Antedote - The Antedote Special only appears when needed and cures
the Idiot and/or Dotter.
(/) Staircase - The Staircase Special creates a "staircase" of blocks
and holes on you opponent's screen. It makes it very
difficult for your friend to bring his/her screen back
down to the bottom.
(<) Speed Up - This Special speeds up the drop speed of your opponent's
pieces significantly and permanently. Added speed makes
it difficult to play effectively.
(O) Slow Down - The Slow Down Special is similar to the Speed Up except
it slows down your drop speed. This can be very
useful if your game has lasted a long time, or if your
opponent has gotten a few Speed Ups.
(D) Donator - This Special is the most effective in destroying your
opponent. After getting this Special, every line that
you delete will be added to your opponent's screen.
This Special does only last for a certain time, however,
and is shown by the timer in the Timer Box.
(N) ???????? - ?
Other Stuff
One unique feature of Atomic Tetris is that upon completing a Tetris,
(Getting four lines at a time) two lines are added to the highest point
on your opponents screen. This can often be used to "block off" certain
Specials that your friend may be tring to get or sometimes it can be used
to finish him/her off for good.
Also, when the Switch Screen Special is gotten, Specials are also
switched which sometimes alows you to have two specials at a time. Even
though both are on your screen, only one can be gotten at a time...sorry.
The Grand Finale
Well, I hope I explained it well enough...probably not. I hate this
part...oh well. Please enjoy this game and give it to whoever you wish.
But please...please....please...leave it in it's original form and with this
file. Thank you so much.
I love to hear from anyone who has comments about any of the games I
have made. Good, bad, insane...it doesn't matter. You can write to me at:
Jared "Yoda" Tarbell
3825 Inca NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Or you can leave E-Mail on anyone of these local BBS...
The Lair of the Beast (Alb, NM) 505-822-0085 - User # 65 (Yoda)
The Glitter Gulch BBS (Alb, NM) 505-281-4725 - User (Jared Tarbell)
Mad Max Imagebase (Alb, NM) 505-877-8354 - User (Jared Tarbell)
Thank you much....Yoda